Music in the novel

It is hardly possible to write a story about a cellist's little boy, his uncle the conductor, his nanny the ex-conductor's daughter, as well as his playmate's mother, the first violin, without mention of the music that surrounds them. In writing 'When the Bow Breaks' I was always conscious of the music in the background of little Dominic's life, although it only occasionally broke through to the page.

Here below are links to performances of works either mentioned by name in the novel or inspiring some scene in the novel.

Music from PhillipChalmers’ funeral (as traditional on a harpsichord rather than the fictitious arrangement performed after the funeral)

Music composed by Friedrich Neitszche, and studied by Nick Duhamel at McGill University
Unendlich (Unending/Infinitely)

The Chopin Nocturne that Cass woke to on Sunday morning